Turns out most of the shades that looked amazing on me as a blonde don't work so well now that I'm a ginger. I realized I was wearing lots of bright red and pink lipsticks to make a bold statement and stand out. Now my red hair makes a bold statement, so I'm comfortable experimenting with nude lipstick, more natural blushes, and even green eyeshadow. I never dreamed I'd ever wear any of these colors, but it's also a nice change and it's definitely been fun to experiment. Imagine this post soundtracked to Lady Gaga's "Hair" and check out my new discoveries!
From top to bottom: Ulta Shimmer Lipstick in Buff Shimmer, Ulta Lipstick in Moroccan Red, Revlon Super Lustrous Creme Lipstick in Rosewine, Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick in Drop of Sherry, Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick in Kasbah
Buff Shimmer is a perfect nude lipstick that looks good over my natural lip color and is just enough so that I don't look washed out. Moroccan Red is a gorgeous deep blood red that's definitely a statement and is great for nights out. Rosewine and Drop of Sherry are brilliant every day lipsticks and are my new go-to colors. I can still wear pink(ish) lipstick! Finally, Kasbah is a tawny brown and the best name for a lipstick ever. I still can't believe these colors look good on me, but I asked my toughest critics for honest answers to be absolutely sure and they applauded my choices.
Just like I've never bought brown lipstick before, I've also never purchased blush that wasn't some variation of bright rosy pink. Turns out they don't look so good with red hair either, so I frantically searched for something more neutral and came away with Physician's Formula Mood Booster blush in Natural. There's the slightest hint of pink, but mostly it makes my cheeks look naturally luminous and glowing rather than blushed. It's a very pretty, unexpected effect!
I want to challenge all you lovely readers to try something new with your makeup! Has your signature look become more of a rut? Switch it up! Try a color you wouldn't normally buy and ask your most trusted friend if it flatters you, just to be sure. Break out some colored or liquid eyeliner, try matte lipstick or nude gloss, paint your nails navy or crimson or bright yellow! Just try something different! Even if it doesn't suit you after all (my green eyeshadow is going back to the store, for example), at least you tried and had fun!
What new makeup shade or product will you rock this summer? Let me know! And share pictures, if you've got them!
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