The print advertisements for Fire and Ice were also groundbreaking. They featured model Dorian Leigh with matching red lips and nails alongside a quiz: "Are You Made for Fire and Ice?" (Sample questions included "Do you secretly hope the next man you meet will be a psychiatrist?" and "Does gypsy music make you sad?") Revlon is even attempting to recreate the ad featuring Jessica Biel. Here's a comparison:
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any quiz this time around. Oh well.
Purchasing Fire and Ice instantly put me in mind of this 1960 Revlon TV ad for the brand new color Berry Bon Bon. I cannot even begin convey the amazing-ness that is this commercial. You'll have to watch for yourself.
Applying Fire and Ice didn't exactly leave me with "the excitement, the dazzle, the feeling of champagne!" But it was enough to cheer me up a little after a difficult day. Seeing this glamourous set of lipsticks right alongside matching nail polishes definitely made me happy.
What do you think? Do you love red lipstick (and the vintage advertisements!) as much as I do? Are you afraid you can't pull off red? Have you ever wanted to wear an ankle bracelet?! (Another pressing quiz question from the 1952 ad!)
Love this - the woman behind these ads was my grandmother's niece ie my dad's first cousin ! Kathleen or Kay Daly